
顯示從 4月, 2022 起發佈的文章

Comic Recommendation: The Abyss of Gambling

  The manga that I want to recommend to you this time is the abyss of mad gambling, which is a Japanese manga work by Homura Kawamoto as the original work and Toru Shangmura in charge of drawing. The Abyss of Crazy Gambling has been serialized in "Monthly GANGAN JOKER" since April 2014 until now (April 2022) Story Dagang Main location and setting of the story The private Baikao Academy is an aristocratic school that cultivates students' abilities in all aspects (strategy, mind reading, winning and losing). After Momoko Kirori won the position of student council president, she established the "livestock" system. Those who rank among the bottom 100 students in the school are regarded as "non-cooperative students" and will be marked as domestic animals, which will not only be discriminated against and bullied in the school. Among them, students who owe huge debts will also receive a "life plan", and even after graduation, they will continue ...

漫畫推介: 狂賭之淵

  今次要向大家的推介的漫畫是狂賭之淵, 狂賭之淵是由河本焰擔任原作、尚村透負責作畫的日本漫畫作品. 狂賭之淵由2014年4月起在《月刊GANGAN JOKER》連載直到現在(2022年4月) 故事大剛 故事主要地點和設定 私立百花王學園是以賭博培育學生各方面能力(戰略,讀心術,勝負)的貴族學校,校內的賭局由學生會管理,學生須向學生會「上繳費用」。桃喰綺羅莉奪得學生會會長之位後,創立了「家畜」制度。在全校學生中排名倒數一百名內者被視為「不合作傾向學生」,將會被掛上牌子視為家畜,不但在校內受到歧視與霸凌。當中欠下鉅額債務學生還會收到「人生計劃書」,即使畢業也繼續受到控制,直至還清債務。 主要角色 蛇喰夢子 二年華班, 轉學至百花王學園高校部二年級的神秘黑髮美少女。不僅擅長賭博,更是享樂於賭博風險的狂人 鈴井涼太 二年華班,擔任班長(實為打雜的),賭技並不出眾,是正直的濫好人,日式點心名店「靜風堂」的少爺。 早乙女芽亞里 二年華班,升高一時才就讀百花王學園高校部的插班生,金髮雙馬尾的美少女. 初始原是班上的中心人物,但敗給夢子之後地位一落千丈 桃喰綺羅莉 三年華班,百花王學園第105任學生會長,同時亦是「百喰一族」的大當家。 桃喰莉莉香 三年華班,學生會的副會長,桃喰綺羅莉的雙胞胎姊姊,兼任綺羅莉的替身。時常戴着裝有變聲器面具的沉默少女 漫畫評論: 整體故事都是一個主題為學園賭博(邪道)漫畫. 轉校生蛇喰夢子熱愛賭博,搞亂了整個百花王學園以上繳費用制度為基礎創建「家畜制度」生態環境. 學生會長.學生會長宣佈進行學生會長的改選,還引入「百喰一族」的族人參加學生會改選. 相比起其他賭博的故事細節比較沒有那裡嚴謹, 好多時候每一場賭局的輸贏都是主要在運氣. 例子: 蛇喰夢子和夢見弖優芽美對戰,夢子安排唯一可以勝出的賭局(其他賭局夢見弖優芽美都有必勝方法)就是在現場抽一位觀眾,估觀眾的生日月份. 夢子有能力安排一定可以抽出那一個遊戲和特定的觀眾. 但最後勝出手法都係估. 雖然它的故事可以再有空間去提升, 但漫畫的作畫是很好, 人物背景都畫得很出色. 漫畫去到最新的連載(92話),都感覺沒有拖延. 這本漫畫我是推介大家有空閒時候去閱讀. 故事: 3.5 (5分滿分) 畫功: 4 (5分滿分) 推介指數: 3.5 (5分滿分) Source: IT狗看世界

Cheerleading goddess Rakuten Girls Lin Xiang apologizes to fans for delaying book signing

  Rakuten cheerleader goddess "Rakuten Girls" Lin Xiang, due to the serious epidemic, On April 25, it was announced that the book signing of the photo album "Love With You" will be postponed to May. And immediately posted a 32E photo of her body, she squinted and stretched out in the photo, which really fascinated many netizens. IG post so soon has more than 40,000 hearts! Other Lin Xiang pictures: Source : ITDVWORLD

啦啦隊女神Rakuten Girls林襄因簽書會延期,發文向粉絲致歉

  樂天啦啦隊女神「Rakuten Girls」林襄,因見疫情嚴重, 4月25日宣布把寫真集《與你襄愛》的簽書會延至5月舉行, 並立刻發褔利照晒32E索爆身材,相中的她瞇眼又伸脷,真是迷死不少網友, IG post好快有超過4萬個心! 其他林襄靚相: Source: IT狗看世界

Steel Alchemist Finale Avengers Ska / The Last Chain Press Conference

  A press conference was held for the movie "Fullmetal Alchemist: The End of Avengers Ska/The Last Chain" in Tokyo. Director Fumiko Zeng, together with leading actors such as Yamada Ryosuke and Honda Tsubasa, attended the press conference. The chapter will be divided into "Avengers Ska" and "The Last Refinement" and will be released on May 20 and June 24. The official trailer was released today. Zeng Li Wenyan Ryosuke Yamada (Edward Eric) Honda Wing (Venny Noble) Indigo Fujioka (Ry Marsdan) Lianfo Meishazi (Lisa Fuai) Hongo Sota (Ambi) Koji Yamamoto (Alex Louis Armstrong) Chiaki Kuriyama (Olivia Mina Armstrong) Source : ITDVWORLD

鋼之鍊金術師 完結篇復仇者斯卡/最後的鍊成新聞發布會

  在東京都內《鋼之煉金術師 完結篇 復仇者斯卡/最後的鍊成》的電影舉辦了新聞發布會,導演曾利文彥攜同主演山田涼介, 本田翼等主演出席了發布會,完結篇將分《復仇者斯卡》和《最後的煉成》在5月20日和6月24日上映。然後今天官方還公布了正式的預告片。 曾利文彥 山田凉介(愛德華·艾力克) 本田翼(雲尼·諾貝爾) 藤岡靛 (萊·馬斯丹) 蓮佛美沙子(莉莎·褔艾) 本鄉奏多(安比) 山本耕史(阿力士·路易·阿姆士唐) 栗山千明 ( 奧莉維亞·米娜·阿姆士唐) Source: IT狗看世界